Safest, Most Reliable, Highest Liquidity Farming Fundamentally Reshape The Global Encrypted Financial System. Farming puts your assets to work, with earning as high as 1%-10%.
AUDITWHITE-PAPERShadow wallet: When you connect to the farm, the farm will automatically generate your exclusive shadow wallet, you hold USDT in the wallet, and connect the smart contract of the farm through the shadow wallet to generate profits. Private & Secure.
Download Trust WalletOur team always puts investors at the forefront.Bringing Safest, Most Reliable, Highest Liquidity Farming to Investors.
Earn aggregator: Estimate the earn and risk of the underlying protocol and find the optimal allocation.
ZKP is an essential component of the Liquidity Farming ecosystem. It comprises cryptography, P2P networks, and consensus mechanisms.
Everyone involved in the farm has a voting right to make decisions.
Daily profit up to 13%.
We don’t take a cut. You’ll get back all your locked crypto along with your profits.
Like you, we find the traditional process for earning interest long and frustrating. Mining Pool makes earning easy.
PHASE 1TelegramTwitter
Liquidity Farming Launch
Advanced mining pool Launch
Website V1
DAO Token Seed Round Pre-sale
Farm Airdrop
Farm whitelist
White Paper Released
NFT Marketplace
Farmeverse Adoption
Website V2 Launch
Liquidity Farming DAO Launch
Ecosystem Development